Mimic like you mean it.

Access portfolios of top stock and crypto traders, influencers, CEOs, politicians, hedge funds, investment advisors (RIAs) and more

Mimic trades of trusted investors who have years of trading experience and a consistent track record of portfolio returns

Don't trust financial information on the internet blindly

Gain access to verified portfolios of financial influencers

Trade assets & manage portfolios, transactions and balances across all your brokers on one interface

Follow the portfolios of over 200+ top CEOs and Politicians

Discover & access major cryptocurrencies

Subscribe to trustworthy crypto traders with impressive track records

Mimic portolfios of Hedge Funds and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) - which are usually not open to public view

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to create a new brokerage account?
How much does it cost to use Parrot?
What do I need to get started on Parrot?
I don’t know how to invest. Can I still use Parrot?
What do I get from subscribing to a portfolio of a popular figure?
Can I invest in crypto?
Do I need to leave the Parrot app to mimic or place a trade?
Do I need to mimic all trades once I subscribe to a popular trader?

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